2025 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation and New Energy Technology (ITNET 2025)
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Prof. Mingming Zhang

Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China

Vice Chair of IEEE PES New Energy Technology Subcommittee


Zhang Mingming Zhang, male, born in April 1974, Han nationality, Heilongjiang Province, Ph.D., second-level professor, doctoral supervisor. Vice Chair of IEEE PES New Energy Technology Subcommittee. He is currently working in Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Automation, Director of Green Low-carbon Energy Innovation Technology Research Institute. The basic research on the application of large wind power blades, wind turbines, wind farms, multi-energy complementarity and system integration reflecting the characteristics of wind resources in China is carried out. Presided over the Ministry of Science and Technology 863 project, international cooperation projects, key R & D projects, the Fund 's excellent youth projects, key projects, general projects, the Chinese Academy of Sciences ' 100 people plan ' project, the Chinese Academy of Sciences leader A project, etc., the total project contract funds more than 80 million yuan ; more than 200 papers have been published in journals and conferences at home and abroad, including nearly 60 papers published in internationally renowned SCI in this field, more than 20 reports invited by academic conferences at home and abroad, and more than 20 national invention patents applied / authorized.



Prof. Pingliang Zeng

Hangzhou Dianzi University, China

Chair of IEEE PES China Education Committee


Pingliang Zeng, male, doctor, professor and doctoral supervisor of Hangzhou Dianzi University, IET Fellow, IEEE senior member, IEC TC122 WG1 convener ( 2015-2017 ). Member of IEC TC122 WG1 and IEC TC8 JWG10 and JWG12, winner of IEC 1906 International Standard Contribution Award and the 7th Overseas Chinese Contribution Award. He graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 1984. In 1985, he studied abroad for a doctor 's degree at Strathclyde University in the United Kingdom. After obtaining his doctorate in 1990, he joined the National Grid Company of the United Kingdom. He has served as senior engineer, senior business analyst, system operation incentive mechanism and strategy department manager, British transmission network design department manager and so on. He returned to China full-time in 2012, joined the China Electric Power Research Institute as the chief expert of power system analysis and planning, and joined Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology in 2017. After returning to China, he has undertaken and participated in more than 10 scientific and technological projects of national and state grid companies.



Prof. Haifeng Liu

Tianjin University, China


Prof. Haifeng Liu, Deputy Director of the Department of Energy and Power, Tianjin University. He is a national-level talent, a national excellent youth, and a Tianjin Jieqing youth. His main research interests include global energy carbon neutrality and carbon capture macro-strategy research, advanced combustion theory and new combustion technology for internal combustion engine, carbon neutral fuel preparation and fuel property design. He has published 185 SCI papers as the first/corresponding author, including 1 paper in Nature Communications, 1 paper in Science Bulletin, 6 papers in top journals of EST, etc.; 10 papers in combustion journal Combust. The top journals of combustion are Combust. Flame (10) and Proc. Combust. Inst. (5). His published papers have been cited by SCI 7368 times, with H-factor 45 (SCI database). As the first inventor, he has been authorized 28 Chinese patents, 1 US patent, 1 Russian patent, and 5 software copyrights. He has edited and published 2 Chinese edited books and 2 textbooks. 20 presentations at international conferences and 18 presentations at domestic conferences.



Prof. Chenchen Wang

Beijing Jiaotong University, China


Prof. Chenchen Wang, Senior Member of IEEE. He is the vice dean of the School of Electricity, Beijing Jiaotong University. His main research interests include power electronics and power transmission, electrical engineering, rail transportation energy supply and electric traction. He has presided over a number of national natural science foundation projects.



Researcher, Xianxia Yuan

Shanghai JiaoTong University, China


Xianxia Yuan is a researcher and doctoral supervisor at Shanghai Jiaotong University. Her main research interests include electrochemical new energy systems and related materials, hydrogen energy and fuel cells, and lithium-air batteries, and she has presided over a number of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
